Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thinking, talking, doing...

Last couple of days I've been thinking a lot. In fact, I haven't been able to sleep - at all! Two nights with no sleep, then I try to make sure I sleep and get woken up 4 hours later. Getting used to sleepless nights may be the way to go.

I am usually very good at saying nothing, and life being good, but I really wanted to talk to someone.

After thinking for a long while, it turns out I can't talk to anyone. Flying solo, seems like I've been doing this a long time - but it is more real every day.

Let's see where this takes us.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hi B

As much as you hate it here, it is nice to have you check back once in a while... hope you're enjoying the golden tee blab as well :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


You're still checking sometimes :)

I prefer to talk to you directly rather than posting here.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Machines are in!


Friday, January 09, 2009

Happy New Year

I am rarely speechless... but:

Me: I love you.
her: No, you don't


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I need to write more!

So I really let this thing slip, and it seems like I need a little bit of an outlet. One of the reasons that I haven't been writing is that I met a girl. Well, actually I met this girl a while ago, but it is not until fairly recently that I started having some very strong feelings... well, if you look about the time I stopped going nuts and fucking anything that moved, that's about the time I started thinking more about her as a closer friend. It is funny how when you have feelings for another person, and just one person (yes, very stange for me), that you tend to put everyone else away, and not care. I don't think it just so happend that the rest of women went away, but it just seemed like I didn't care that they were around, or really not even noticed that they were. My attention was consumed by this one person. Oh well, it's been a long time since it happend before, and it was a good feeling. In the more recent past, it seems we've had somewhat of a falling out (understatemnt), and now it is more of a relationship that I had with my previous girlfriend... that is we piss each other more than anything, and make each other very miserable. Something like when we don't enteract, we think well of each other, and otherwise fangs come out.
At the end of the day, we never dated, not ever a possibility, but I am glad I was able to learn that I was able to care about another person as much as I did, and I am also glad to learn that I really should learn to shut up and not open up to people :) Great lessons from a good teacher.
Where am I now? I have no idea. I still think very highly of her, but I refuse to be used, or be in a one sided situation. I expect the same from all my friends, so why not from her. I am open (for good or bad), and honest... and I would prefer brutal honesty to considerate lies. And by lies, I guess I also mean not being open in general, or straight forward. I want to be able to cary on some relationship with her, because I can probably put her ina category of one of the most interesting people that I have met, as well as having a good heart and just more possitive things that I can mention here. At the same time, she seems to have a problem saying things, or accepting what other people say to her, and this makes it very difficult to talk to someone...
I guess we live to see what happens as life goes on!

Why do I get myself into these situations?

I was also called a smart ass, a know-it-all, and an ASSHOLE today :) this amused me to no end. I haven't been called an asshole (in the full meaning of the word) in a long while. Maybe I have gone soft, and maybe I need to fix that.

Election day funnies

So while I am at the poll this morning, per my last message, I am in line for about 20-30 minutes... but this is plenty of time for some fun things to happen!
Let me paint a picture for you. The poll is in the building where my mom lives. I lived there from about 1990(a year after we moved to the US) until I left for college. I live 1/2 block down the street now, so still the "old h00d" for me. The neighborhood when we moved there was predominanlty lower class, primarily african american and hispanic. Now my mom's building is probably 75% african... I can't really tell you which, but when they talk, there is one english word, and then a few clicks and pops... Now there is gentrification, so you have section 8 housing nearby (gov't subsidized) and $400k condos pretty much across the street from each other. There is a 27 year old mexican kid that got beaten to death last thursday a block down the street from my house... in his house, by a couple of blakc (african american) guys when he invited them over to buy some crack. Anyway, great neighborhood, lots of character.
So the funnies:
- about 3 minutes after getting in line, one of the judges walks out, and asks people their last names, and breaks them up into two lines. See, they have two books with names, and the alphabet is devided into two... so... well, anyway, the line that is the later part of the alphabet (you'd be surprised that 0verfiend is in the end :lol)... is about 1/2 of the other line. This leads to A LOT of arguing... why is one line shorter than the other. I just stand, and observe the judge try to explain this. It is fun.
- a few minutes later one of the people in my line seems to not be found. It apears she moved, and the book they are using is old. Anyway, so she has to fill out another form, blah blah, and do some special voting thing. So there are three english speaking people that are working the poll. One may have some mental handicaps... but at least he speaks english. There is one other guy that speaks good english, but I am glad he also speaks whatever the clicking language the other people speak, since he is controlling them a bit. So now the english speaking guy is trying to explain to the asian guy (seems to be in charge) what this woman has to do... and now they are calling over the tribal leader (hey, if animal planet can name them, so can I). And the three of them are trying to figure shit out. Now one of the women behind me starts yelling, that she has to go to the store, and why isn't the line moving... good thing the tribal leader can calm her down with a few clicks and pops.
- It is all sorted now, and now there is another woman that starts yelling from the other line about what is taking so long, and that she is missing her shows trying to vote. At this point I tell her that she can come back tomorrow and I'm sure there will be less people. She has a blank look on her face, as a few people around us snicker. The girl next to me tells me I'm not nice making fun of people. I tell her that if she isn't that bright, she shouldn't be voting. The girl seems to have taken offence to this, so I turn away.
- I will call the next girl I will talk about Shanaynay, just because that is the name of the character that was on the show Martin... if you don't know, look it up... anyway, so she gets her ballot, and is pointed to a booth by the tribal leader. She walks over, and then calls out to him "Hey you, come here" Now this is a pretty small room, so no reason to yell, but OK. So nbow she asks him "So how I do this thing?" Now as most of you that voted probably know, there are instructions all over, and really, I think that most 1st graders can figure it out, but who am I to judge. So the guy tries to explain to her how to vote... he is being very good about saying things like "a candidate" and "your candidate" And she is being very funny (to me) saying things like "Shit, quit playin' you know who I want" and she actually said that she wouldn't be here if it wasn't for "the brotha." so now the judge pretty much walks her through how to vote for "her candidate"
(in case you want to know, in IL we have a ballot that looks like this:
NAME1 <= =
NAME2 <= =
For you to vote, you draw a line:
NAME1 <===
Anyway...) So now she is asking "what's all this other shit on here" he tries to explain to her that this is an "election" and there are other people running. She proceeds to complain that she is busy, and doesn't want to fill the rest of it out. He tells her that she is free to vote for only the races she wants. She finishes and leaves.

Good times, good times!

Friday, August 08, 2008

What a great indy Guinness Commercial

But really... this is absolute G, as there is no nudity or anything else of the sort... but the innuendos (suggestions?) are plentiful.

My understanding this was done by alexeiz
It really isn't real. I shot the ad with no intention of sending it to
Guiness because of the content. IT was meant to either make people laugh
or get really disgusted. I rather people felt the former because that's why
it was made. Just for fun.
Oh and it only cost $320 for the ad. My equipment, 300 for the actress, and
the rest for food and a six pack of Guiness

I'll have a couple pints later today.